DIVE 3: Social Economy Policy Debate

Belle and co. discusses the South African social economy policy and role of social enterprise from a South African perspective in the second episode of the Dive 3 debates. DIVE is a EU Erasmus+ supported social enterprise programme involving 12 countries around the world.

Live Video below (went live 2 December 2019)

Extract from the Social Economy Policy consultation invitation (30 October 2019): 

The South African government, through the Economic Development Department (EDD) is developing a policy to strengthen and stimulate the social economy so that it can grow and thrive. 

The social economy is a people centred approach to economic development, based on principles of sustainable activity that stimulates socially and environmentally responsible growth through solidarity and social inclusion. Examples of social economy organisations include stokvels, co-operatives, social enterprises and non-profits organisations. 

After several consultation sessions in 2018, a draft Green Paper has been written which frames and makes recommendations on the following themes: 

– Support Framework – Sizing and Scoping the sector: What is the social economy, and how do we define and measure it? 

– Financial Inclusion and resourcing: How do we innovate existing mechanisms to better fund and resource the social economy? 

– Access to markets: Where are the gaps and opportunities in supply chains that can be strengthened to support the social economy? 

– Legal and regulatory: What is the best legal and regulatory environment? Do we need a legal form for social enterprises? 

– New Economies and Innovation: What can we do to position the social economy to be innovative, and respond to future needs? 

DOWNLOAD: DRAFT Green Paper 7 May 2019 with cases 3.


Comments on the policy can be sent to:




Or WhatsAPP: 0663018278 (Kerryn Krige)

MORE INFO: https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/cooperatives/projects/WCMS_501549/lang–en/index.htm